Journey from Ignorance to Self-Knowledge
Every human being is naturally seeking peace, security and happiness and hence they are on a journey, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Most organized religions promise better life in special places or heavens, to be achieved in the future by living a life of doing actions which are righteous (dharmic). With the human mind’s capability of understanding, it is the inherent goal of humans to enquire about their inner purpose, their interaction with the surroundings, and open their mind to the intelligence around them. With earnest enquiry, begins the journey from ignorance to knowledge. Advaita Vedanta scriptures (Upanishads) guides and teaches unique and life transforming messages on this journey to discover the purpose of life, Here and Now, (independent of space, time and actions), fulfilled, peaceful and accepting of what “is”.
This website has insightful messages from Advaita Vedanta teachings and easy access to them thru extracts as well as links to full texts or talks.
Youtube channel (subscribe) and playlists has key insightful talks organized by category.
Discover – SatVichara page includes methods (prakriyas ) and normal life examples used in teaching Vedanta to guide the student from the gross to the very subtle.
Contemplation – SatVichara page highlights insights for reflection.
Two stages of Spiritual Understanding
a) Sakshi bhava- after enquiry through technique such as Drk Drishya viveka, understand that “I” is the consciousness/Sakshi/Atma, apart from Anatma – the body/mind and the world around. However, the “boundary” is only in “ignorance”, so continue enquiring and discover..
b) SarvaAtma bhava – understand that the Anatma, body/mind and the world of names and forms are merely appearances in the consciousness (like in a dream). There is only Atma/Brahman.
The Jnani is free from apparent bondage of karma as there is no “doership” and therefore remains in wonder and acceptance!
Listen to these Talk1, Talk2
This blog site relates the spiritual journey of knowledge, clearing doubts and contemplation on the path of discovery to the Self. My early start was with J. Krishnamurthi’s direct teachings of “Observer /Observed viveka”, witnessing, recognizing “conditioned minds” of traditions, detachment to them, and evolve to a responsible living. This was a great awakening. Later, the Art of Living principles of relationships with society, yoga and pranayama, seva and study of some Vedanta texts added more balance to body and mind and yearning for greater truth during the later stages of family life. In recent years, with more time and dedication to more traditional study of Vedanta through the Arsha Vidya parampara, a thorough understanding, clarification and absorption has been possible. I am deeply grateful to several Gurus and Swamis who have influenced and guided the path on this wonderful journey. Their guidance is highlighted on this site so that their teachings may be of benefit for others too.
Swami Tattvavidananda with his direct, pure and deep insights has made significant personal transformations in my life. His 7-9 week courses at AVG has been in unique opportunity for in-depth immersion in the study, and personal transformation for me. More youtube videos are becoming available. See this page for more information and links.
Swamiji's emphasis on being a "dhirah" to pursue this journey diligently, has been the key driving force in my life.
Swamiji has written many insightful books and article. See this recent article: Self Inquiry - Swami TV, 2020
Video talk on Sarvatmabhava and Vivekabhava
Swami Paramarthananda has unfolded the major spiritual texts with utmost clarity and depth. He has provided thorough and complete teachings in audio and written form available via multiple websites, and these are part of my daily study. His exposition of Ashtavakra Gita brings out the special joy of the enlightened person. See this page.
Swami Sarvapriyananda has a wonderful style of expressing the essence of the Advaita Vedanta teachings in light of his up to date interactions with current scientists, philosophers and in depth interfaith studies at universities. This approach gives so much more solid foundation to Advaita Vedanta and I am grateful for its availability via youtube. See this page for more details.
Sri Vijay Kapoorji's dedicated weekly classes provide opportunity to students for general Vedanta knowledge in SF Bay area. We have grown from his teachings and are grateful for the seva opportunities provided by the Arsha Vidya Center, hosting visiting Swamis Talks and related events. See this page.
Swamini Svatmavidyananda brings a clear, fresh and lively style to the teachings which appeal to broader audiences. She is widely recognized as a scholar of Advaita Vedanta and lectures at GTU Berkeley. She is technology smart and up to date with current thinking and approaches to teaching. Students find her compassionate and approachable for guidance. See this page.
Swami Viditatmananda with his calmness, personifies the essence of the teachings. See this page.
Having understanding of Advaita Vedanta, Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi's direct path of focusing/dwelling on "who am I" beyond the ahankara (ego) thought is very important key for ongoing spiritual life. See a Jnani's life and teachings, at this page .
From very early days J. Krishnamurti's message of recognizing "the conditioned mind" of the individual, resonated well with me. Even today keeping the constant "observer" principle in mind helps me be aware of the behaviors and reactions that stem from previous conditioning, and thus alleviate getting too "caught up" in over-reactions. See this page for more details.
We learnt the wonderful practices of daily pranayama, yoga, the art of volunteering / seva and glimpse of Vedanta thru the Art of Living org. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's meditations and discourses still resonate well. See this page for more details.
Vedanta Meditation, Mantra and Chanting
Shanti Mantras; Meditative chants ;
Various Meditations; Om chanting audios listen here;
DM and other mantras listen here; Sri Rudram and Text;