
Arsha Vidya Guru parampara
Advaita Vedanta Swamis and Acharyas

There are a number of recent Swamis and Archaryas that have influenced my understanding and continue giving wonderful talks at various retreats and their recordings are available publicly on YouTube and elsewhere.  In these pages are some of their talks that give a glimpse of their wonderful wisdom and style of presenting it. See the sub-menu pages under the Menu section above.

Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Guru Pages
Swami Dayananda – SatVichara
Swami Paramarthananda – SatVichara
Swami Tattvavidananda – SatVichara
Swami Viditatmananda – SatVichara
Sri Vijay Kapoor – SatVichara
Swamini Svatmavidyananda – SatVichara

Vedanta Society
Sw Sarvapriyananda – SatVichara

Other Acharyas
Ramana Maharishi – SatVichara
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – SatVichara
J Krishnamurti – SatVichara
Gurudev Ranade – SatVichara