Strategies used in Veda to Reveal the Unexplainable in Words

Neti Neti

Neti Neti (not this not this)
if you cannot directly say what it IS, you can you can say what it is NOT. So nirguna Brahman can be expressed by neti neti (not doer, enjoyer etc)

Adhyaropa Apavada

Adhyaropa Apavada
use adhyaropa apavada superimposition and removal of qualities and attributes (e.g. all pervading Ishvara, limited Jiva “attributes/qualities” etc).

Paradoxical Language

Paradoxical Language
use paradoxical language to describe something beyond normal language a) greater than the greatest (e.g. space-like), b) smaller than the smallest (space like) c) further than the furthest d) nearer than the move nearest e) it moves but it moves not (all pervading space like) f) independent of space-time etc. and with the hope that we will understand what the paradox points towards. Words can only take us to the edge of knowledge.


Intuitive understanding (lakshya artha) of the implied meaning of the words is the way to understand the equality of Brahman Consciousness and Atma Consciousness. It is the same non-dual Consciousness.

The differences will continue to “appear” to us in the transactional reality, but intuitively we understand that there is only one underlying reality, Consciousness. So just BE in that understanding.