Choiceless Awareness: Just be Aware of your surroundings. No stress. No choices/comparision/judgements to make based on past memory/experiences. Relax in awareness
Consciousness as generally described (in the western world) in term of "conscious of an object/experience etc". However this is based on prior knowledge or conditioning (biases, upbringing, accumulated knowledge etc). That conditioning is the "consciousness content" and brings about a "limited being" (a subject) that sees and interprets the "other" object. That brings about duality.
The aim of self-discovery is to understand this process of duality and then recognize and give up the conditioning i.e. "empty the contents of consciousness". Then this individual consciousness (Jivahood) disappears and allows for deeper understanding.
After emptying the contents of individual consciousness (Jivahood is dissolved), comes deep silence. This is fullness and acceptance. There is oneness. This is Meditation.Movement in silence
Then any "movement" in silence is not tied to personal desires, and hence not in space and time.
However, since we have a body and mind, actions/movement happen in the present moment and "flow with the winds" of prarabda karma with sharanagati/acceptance and compassion.